Welcome to VGA Concentrate 4.0 01-APR-1996 ( SHAREWARE VERSION ) (c) 1990-96 Alive Software All Rights Reserved This file contains last minute information and answers to most common questions. * SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: SYSTEM: 386 or higher MEMORY: 512K RAM minimum GRAPHICS: VGA or SVGA color graphics adapter DOS SYSTEM: MS-DOS 5.0 or higher WINDOWS: MS Windows 3.1 and higher, run in full screen mode. * OPTIONS: SOUND CARD: Soundblaster compatible MOUSE : Microsoft compatible driver * CRAZY SHUFFLE: If you do not have VGA graphics display, run ALIVECAT.EXE and read about CRAZY SHUFFLE, our memory match game that works on old XT 8088 systems with CGA, EGA, EGA mono or Hercules graphics. * SETUP: To start the game just type VC . If you wish to change the default settings run the setup program SETUPVC. To make a selection, use the Up or Down key to move and press . SETUPVC will create and save the configuration file VC.CFG, containing your preferences. * Please read documentation file VC.TXT for a detailed game description. * SHAREWARE NOTES: this Shareware evaluation version includes only a small sample of game cards. The full program includes many more colorful card sets. Print ORDER.TXT for information on how to get the latest version of the full VGA Concentrate series. * ALIVECAT.EXE is our Software catalog, check out other Software by Alive. To order, please print, fillout and call, mail, fax or Email file form ORDER.TXT Mail TO: Toll-Free US ORDERS (voice) : 1-800-GET-ALIVe Alive Software (voice) 1-800-438-2548 PO Box 4004 Santa Clara CA 95056 FAX Orders (FAX) : 1-408-982-0780 USA Tech. Support & Info (voice) : 1-408-982-0109 Internet Email: order@alivesoft.com Compuserve# ....: 73677,1344 America OnLine..: AliveGames *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* FOR THE LATEST ALIVE SOFTWARE GAMES VISIT OUR INTERNET WEBSITE http://www.alivesoft.com ------------------------